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INTRODUCTORY COURSE ON THE TEACHINGS OF GRIGORI GRABOVOI 2 x 5 Webinareinheiten + Buch in digitaler Form

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Die Lehre Grigori Grabovois über Gott ist ein BildungsSystem für das neue Jahrtausend u...


Im englischen Bildungsprogramm des Bildungszentrum von Grigori Grabovoi steht dieser Kurs an erster Stelle, der Einführungskurs.

Dieses Webinar wurde von Ján Karl gehalten mithilfe von Studenten. Die Videos im Download-Bereich zu diesem Angebot wurden abgehalten von sehr fortgeschrittenen Lehrerinnen.

Dieses Werk gibt in englisch einen sehr guten Überblick und Einblick in den Kosmos der Lehre über Gott, die Rettung und harmonische Entwicklung.

Es ist sowohl für komplette Neueinsteiger gedacht, als auch eine Voraussetzung für angehende Lehrer.

Wer ist Grigori Grabovoi?/Who is Grigori Grabovoi?

It is recommended that all people. students and those who aspire to teach The Teaching Of Grigori Grabovoi should attend The Introductory Course. This is recommended irrespective of them attending any other courses previously. The most important reason for attending the Introductory Course is to build a strong foundation on the doctrine “On Salvation and Harmonious Development” by Grigori Grabovoi and to transfer his knowledge accurately.

Introductory Course includes basic systemic understanding of the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi that builds the vector of development and the ability of accurate transfer of the knowledge of the Teachings is formed. This can be done with an element of joy in transferring the information. In the process of work with the textbook the "Introductory Course on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi" the students will be taught how to listen correctly to the on line webinars of Grigori Grabovoi
to ensure that this listening was effective from the standpoint of human consciousness development and receiving the results based on control directly during the webinar.
The methods of teaching the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi will be delivered at the seminar in accordance with the exact requirements of the Author of the Teachings, Grigori Grabovoi.

Chronologie des Bildungsprogramm/Training Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi

Dieses Angebot umfasst zwei Durchgänge, also zwei Webinare, in denen das Werk vollständig gelesen wurde. Außerdem erhalten Sie das Buch in digitaler Form.



Information is obligatory for telling during the seminar on the Teachings of Grigori

Grabovoi ―On Salvation and Harmonious Development

Documentary Justification of the Teachings

1. Theoretical justification of the Teachings.

2. Patent protectability of the Teachings.

3. Legal basis for spread of the Teachings

4.Practical justification of the Teachings by the results of the author.

5. Practical justification of the Teachings by the results of the students

6. Positive reviews about the Teachings of famous persons.

7. Comments of scientists, experts in similar fields of positive characteristics of the



About the Author of the Teachings ―On Salvation and Harmonious Development‖

Introductory Course to the Program ―Training on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi ―On

Salvation and Harmonious Development


1. The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi ―On Salvation and Harmonious Development‖ is a

Mono Teachings, the only author of the Teachings is Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi.

1.1 The knowledge stated in the works of Grigori Grabovoi, is applied and practical,

aimed at the achievement of eternal life by everybody.

1.2 The main tasks of Grigori Grabovoi Teachings ―On salvation and harmonious

development‖ are macro-salvation, resurrection, non-dying of the living ones, ensuring

conditions for eternal system harmonious development of all the objects of reality

according to the goals of Creator.

1.3 The actuality of Grigori Grabovoi technologies in the necessity of teaching everybody

of these technologies.

1.4 Grigori Grabovoi Teachings will surely perform their tasks, because it exists in the

future from the Creator, and because the Teachings don`t contradict and facilitate the

creative directions of the development of the world community.

1.5 The primary method of achieving the goal of Grigori Grabovoi Teachings is training

everybody in the technologies of Grigori Grabovoi.

1.6 The Means to achieve the aim of Grigori Grabovoi Teachings is one`s own

consciousness through which the events control is implemented in accordance with the

goal of the Creator to ensure eternal development.

1.7. The morality of Grigori Grabovoi Teachings consists in the fact that everyone gets

the true freedom from the Creator by means of personal creative participation in any


1.8 It is necessary to spread Grigori Grabovoi Teachings to everybody because personal

creative participation of everybody in the world events for universal salvation and

ensuring eternal harmonious development according to the laws of the Creator is


1.9 The books of Grigori Grabovoi give everyone a possibility to develop his spiritual

level very quickly through the logical knowledge.

1.10. The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi is set forth in his scientific works, author‘s

lectures and seminars, books, articles, interviews, conferences and other materials,

including original texts and speech of Grigori Grabovoi.

1.11. The Teachings is implemented, proved and protected in scientific, theoretical, legal

and practical way.


2. The list of the basic concepts

2.1. God

2.2 Man

2.3. Reality

2.4. The Soul of Man

2.5. The Spirit of Man

2.6. Consciousness of man

2.7. Perception

2.8. Collective Consciousness

2.9. The physical body of man

2.10. Intellect

2.11. Concentration of Consciousness.

2.12. Physical reality and spiritual reality.

2.13. Control of Reality

2.14. Methods of control of reality through concentration of consciousness (attention)


3. Mechanism for building physical reality and for control of physical reality.

3.1. Physical reality as a projection of the collective consciousness through one of the


3.2 Creation of the physical body of man and of the entire physical reality by the Soul. 50

3.3 There is an action of God in each event.

3.4. Consciousness as a structure that allows the soul to control the body.

3.5 Any event can be converted into favorable one.

3.5 Classification of evil by lack of knowledge.

3.6 Any action of man creates light in the informational.

3.7. What man thinks, what he says and what he does is of eternal nature.

3.8 Events of the present have been created by the light of past and future events.

3.9 Love organizes the action, providing the creation of the outside World.

3.10 Ensuring a high level of security through the knowledge of actions of God.

3.11 The profession of the principle ―do not destroy, do not kill‖.

3.12 Freedom of the will.

3.13 Learn to act as the Creator does it.

3.14 God always transfers knowledge to man at the level of offer of information.

3.15. It is necessary to learn to bypass the information that is not the norm even in


3.16. What distinguishes the action of God from human action and how to quicker learn

to act similarly?


4. The Teachings technologies enable to change life events of a particular person and

events related to the development of the civilization as a whole, in the creative direction

through the development of people consciousness. The events means also the process

of human health restoration.

4.1 Mechanism of action of Grigori Grabovoi technologies is a normalizing bio-signal in

the consciousness of man, described in the patent for the invention ―Information Carrying

System‖ and ―Method of Prevention of Catastrophes and Device for its Realization‖. 73

4.2 All Grigori Grabovoi technologies are tested in practice, they are safe and creative.

You can learn technologies of reality control at any age. Knowledge is transferable, as it

is based on common laws of thinking.

4.3 Technology of reality control through understanding:

4.4. The technologies of focusing the attention make it possible to solve two tasks


4.5 The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi ―On Salvation and Harmonious Development‖ is

a system of knowledge which allows one through his thinking to tune his consciousness

and attain spiritual development thus enabling constructive and harmonious control of


4.6 Concentrations on the numbers, shapes, colors, words, phrases, sounds, objects of the

external environment, on the physical body of man.


5. Practical training.

5.1. Concentrations on Grigori Grabovoi technologies.

5.2. Unpacking the technologies described in the works of Grigori Grabovoi.

5.3 The speed of development of health information must be higher than the speed of

development of disease information.

5.4 What determines the speed of obtaining the result when using technologies of Grigori

Grabovoi to control events.

5.5 Technologies developing controlling clairvoyance.

6. Review of the works of Grigori Grabovoi included in the Training Program on the

Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi and examination of the works of Grigori Grabovoi.

Auf Anfrage kann eine Prüfung darüber abgelegt werden.

If you like, after passing a test, you will get a lecturer certificate for this course.


Die Teilnehmer bekommen Informationen darüber, wie sie steuernd hören können. Bitte nehmen Sie dazu nach der Buchung/Anmeldung mit Ján Karl Kontakt auf. Gerne werden zusätzliche kurze Kennenlern-Treffen online angeboten, um menschliche und themenspezifische Informationen auszutauschen. Schreiben Sie dazu und für sonstige Fragen und Anmeldungen bitte an die folgende Adresse

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For further information please contact Ján Karl via E-Mail [email protected]


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